Data file descriptions

As of 25.5.2018, the processing of personal data will be subject to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) and the Privacy Act (1050/2018).

Compiled 20.3.2018, last updated 12.9.2024

Data controller:
Vaasa Region Development Company VASEK (business ID: 1850796-9)
Alatori 1 A (3rd floor)
65100 Vaasa
+358 6 317 7600

Grounds for keeping the register
Customer relationship management, customer’s consent and legitimate interest.

Data Protection at Vaasa Region Development Company VASEK

Vaasa Region Development Company VASEK is committed to protect the rights of individuals and to keep safe all data processed by us. In this statement, we will tell you how we process (collect, use, store and protect) your data.

We may change this privacy statement from time to time, for example due to changes in legislation, or when changing, improving or extending our services. If we extend a service and ask you for additional personal data, we will inform you of the new purpose of its use latest when collecting the data. In addition, we might update this statement for other reasons so we recommend that you visit this website every now and then to check whether the statement has changed.

At VASEK, we process your personal data for various reasons. In this statement, we refer to our clients, potential clients, employees of clients and other related parties.

We process your personal data on different grounds, depending on which of our services you utilize. You might be part of one or several personal data groups, depending on how widely you utilize our services.

Which data we collect from you

New entrepreneurs:

From new entrepreneurs we collect their name and contact details (phone number, email, address etc.), gender, place of domicile, contact language and data relating to provision of services. This data consists of, among other things, level of education, description of education, profession, employment status, work experience description, emails, profitability calculations, business plans and all other documentation that is needed for provision of services. We also collect your registrations for different events and your replies to questionnaires conducted by us.

In addition, we collect the key contents of meetings and other communications, reports provided by business advisors, covering letters from experts, the establishment of the company and other events during the customer relationship.

We collect the data directly from customers but we also receive personal data from the marketing regime of the Finnish Enterprise Agencies (SUK ry); name, email, postal code and status of employment. This information allows us to get in touch with you to implement our service. You have given your permission to admit this information for us when filling the form.

The data register can be used for managing, taking care of, maintaining and developing the customer relationship between the customer and VASEK and/or (auxiliary business name) Vaasa Region Enterprise Agency Startia, which operates as a part of VASEK, as well as for targeting, producing, offering and developing services, conducting analyses and market research and other statistical purposes. The data in the register can be used for marketing (incl. electronic direct marketing) between VASEK and the customer and for targeting the marketing to the extent permitted by law. The customer has the right to opt out of direct marketing.

When a customer contacts VASEK/Startia, the email messages may be stored. We may use the stored communications for verifying customer service events and for training VASEK/Startia employees. Only persons entitled to process customer data will process the stored communications.

On the basis of the customer’s consent, data may be disclosed to the Employment and Economic Development Office (TE Office) for the start-up grant, to Finnvera for the application for a Finnvera loan and to experts, financial institutions, etc. for the purpose of carrying out the actions required to serve the customer’s needs. In these cases, the customer’s contact information and a concise description of business idea is handed over.

We may also use the customer’s data to protect ourselves against fraud and other crimes, claims and liabilities and to identify and prevent them. We may use the data for conforming to the applicable laws.

Established businesses and their contact persons/employees:

We collect data from businesses, entrepreneurs and their staff that operate in our region, are current or potential customers of ours or are our partners in cooperation.

We collect their name and contact details (phone number, email, address etc.), date of birth (regarding entrepreneurs in the region), gender, place of domicile, contact language and data relating to provision of services. This data consists of, among other things, emails, memos from phone conversations, meetings memos, and all other documentation that is needed for provision of services. We also collect your registrations for different events and your replies to questionnaires conducted by us.

In addition, we collect the key contents of meetings and other communications, reports provided by business advisors, covering letters from experts, the establishment of the company and other events during the customer relationship.

From customers that have had the role of new entrepreneurs, we use all the data collected under that period. Additionally, if you are part of our network of specialist partners, we process data on your expertise and the services you provide.

The data register can be used for managing, taking care of, maintaining and developing the customer relationship between the customer and VASEK and/or (auxiliary business name) Vaasa Region Enterprise Agency Startia, which operates as a part of VASEK, as well as for targeting, producing, offering and developing services, conducting analyses and market research and other statistical purposes. The data in the register can be used for marketing (incl. electronic direct marketing) between VASEK and the customer and for targeting the marketing to the extent permitted by law. The customer has the right to opt out of direct marketing.

We process the dialogues with enterprises and the actions taken as secret and confidential. Note, however, that if you are simultaneously a project client, some data might belong partly or completely in the district of publicity law (public funding).

We also collect personal data about the businesses operating in our region, the entrepreneurs working for them and their key contacts from public sources, such as the business information providers like Fonecta, Finnish Patent and Registration Office, Trade Register and the web sites of companies.

The public basic data in the register, which concerns companies, is used for the Vaasa region business and service directory at You can contact us via the business directory if you want to make changes to your company’s data in the directory or to remove your company from the directory.

We may also use the customer’s data to protect ourselves against fraud and other crimes, claims and liabilities and to identify and prevent them. We may use the data for conforming to the applicable laws.

Customers relating to projects:

When you participate in actions taken within an EU funded project, training or event, we collect similar information as we collect from New entrepreneurs and Established businesses and their contact persons/employees.

We use the data to execute the communication, marketing and customer service implemented in the project. Additionally, to implement the EU project report, we deliver some personal data to the investor, to the main executor and to the supervisor of the project.

The data about the projects is processed for legal obligations. The legal obligations consist of the national and EU legislations regarding the constitution funds that are for example: Law regarding the development of regions and administration of the functioning of composition funds (7/2014); Law regarding the development of the regions and the financing of the composition fund projects (8/2014); General regulation (EU no. 1303/2013); EAKR regulation (EU no. 1301/2014); ESR regulation (EU no. 1304/2013).

Personal data is stored for 10 years from the completion of the project.

Newsletter subscribers:

We collect your email address, name and your chosen contact language. This information is merged with data collected from you in other roles. Additionally, we register whether you read our newsletters and which links you click on them.

We use this data to communications, its follow-up and analysis. Additionally, we use the data collected to execute automated marketing.

You can unsubscribe from the newsletter by clicking on a link on it.

Users of our website:

We may collect information about the features of your computer and location such as IP-address, identification cookies, sites visited, sites where you came from, time, operating system, device types and browser. Additionally, we collect all the data you enter on our site or services therein.

We use this data to improve the features of our website, to ensure and monitor its information security and to prevent potential online vandalism. Separately entered data we process to provide customer service (online booking, feedback).

Your information will also be used for the implementation of the so-called remarketing. Thus based on your visits on our sites you will see our marketing messages on the platforms you use, such as advertisements on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or Google.

Political decision-makers and influencers in the region:

We process your data in this category, as a part of the regional cooperation arranged by the municipality owners. In the beginning of your council period, we’ll ask your data handover from your municipality. This information consists of your name, your email address, and of other contact information. We use this information when communication of and marketing our operations and services. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter by clicking on a link on it.

Members of VASEK’s board of directors:

At the beginning of your term of office, you will be asked for approval to hand over your information to us. This information consists of your name, email address, other contact information and the information needed to pay the meeting fees. We will collect information on your attendance in the board meetings for paying the meeting fees. The information will also be used for filing trade register notifications and for the communications of the board. The data is retained after your most recent term of office in accordance with the payroll laws.

An insider register is maintained for board members, members of the management team and accountants and auditors showing ties to other companies. The following information is collected in the insider register: name, role in the company, who he/she represents on the board of directors, any municipal job or trust function, actual employment, and representations and control of other companies. Information in the insider register will be kept after the term of office only for as long as necessary for the management of the company.

Named users of online services:

In some of our information services, you will be given a username, or you will be using the information service with a username given by a third party.

To create a username for you we collect the information needed, what this includes depends on the service. Mainly this data consists of the following information: name, contact information and the information about the organization you are representing.

Additionally, we collect information about how you use the service, and all the information you input into the service.

The information is used to ensure the technical functioning of the service, to arrange the management of admission and for the purpose the information service we offer is intended. In addition, we record various indices about the use and modification of the files.

Transferring information

Personal data can be transferred to partners for performing a service, to promote your interests and for reporting to different project financiers.

With the customer’s consent, the information may be transferred to the Employment and Economic Development Centre for start-up grants, to Finnvera for applying for a Finnvera loan and to experts, financial institutions etc. in accordance with the customer’s needs.

When we cooperate with other companies and organizations for example relating to events, we can disclose your registration information to others that are involved with organizing the event.

Companies’ public data is published in the region’s business and service directory, maintained by VASEK:

The data will not be transferred or disclosed outside of the EU or the European Economic Area.

Due to the technical or operational implementation of the processing of the information, parts of it may be stored with VASEK’s subcontractors or be otherwise processed over a technical user interface. VASEK can also use subcontractors in processing of the information. We do not allow subcontractors to disclose the information for any other purposes.

VASEK has the right to use or disclose information as required by law, to protect technology, for legal defense or for filing a lawsuit.

How we protect your personal data

Information security and data protection are central to the operation of VASEK. We use the adequate technical, organizational and administrative safety procedures, that are used to protect the information in our possession from disappearance, misuse, unauthorized use, delivering, transition and destruction.

How we process minors’ personal data

VASEK also processes the personal data of underage founders of companies to the same extent as described above. The personal data of underage persons is processed only with the consent of their parent or guardian.

Third parties

We disclose personal information to authorities as required by law. These authorities include for example the police and taxation, executive and supervising authorities.

In addition, your data will be processed by third parties, such as information system editors, service delivers, and other subcontractors. We have confirmed the confidentiality of these third parties and made a contract with them regarding the processing of personal data. Moreover, we instruct these third parties about how to process your data.

Security principles of the register and customer register confidentiality

We are committed to acting appropriately to keep personal information safe. Our technical, administrative and physical processes are designed to protect personal information from accidental, unlawful or unauthorized disappearance, unauthorized use, disclosure, misuse, alteration and destruction. Even if we protect our systems, we cannot guarantee that our website, computer system or data transmission over the Internet or any other public network is completely secure.

To use the register, you need a user name given by the system admin. The admin will also determine the level of access granted to users. Using the system requires a personal password. The use of the register and logins are monitored.

The information is stored in the system databases that are protected by firewalls and other technical measures. The databases are located in locked and guarded premises and only predefined persons are granted access to the data.

VASEK personnel and third parties acting on their behalf are bound by the obligation of secrecy when it comes to all customer data. Our personnel have been educated and instructed on appropriate and safe processing of data.


Our clients have the right to review what information we have stored in the register on them. Requests of revision are to be sent in writing and signed to address:

Vaasa Region Development Company VASEK
Alatori 1 A
65100 Vaasa

In the request of revision, you should mention that the request concerns register information in VASEK’s data register. You can also request revision of your data by visiting the data controller personally. Generally, you will receive an answer for your request in 30 days. To utilize your rights, we will separately recognize you to implement the request and to make sure that the rights of the others registered are secured.

You can opt out of direct marketing by clicking the link on the direct marketing message or by contacting

You control all the personal information that you give us. If you want to correct your personal information at any time, please contact us. In some situations, you have also the right to ask for deletion of your data from the register and to ask transferring it to another company. You have the right to restrict and oppose the processing of personal data.

However, please note that the provision of information and authorization of processing it may in certain cases be a condition for the introduction or use of a service. We reserve the right to suspend the provision of services or to deny access to services, if the data subject does not provide relevant information to the service or requests the deletion of the information.

You can revise the information in the business and service register at It is possible to request a revision of information electronically.

Storing personal data

We will retain personal information only for as long as it is considered necessary for the purposes described in this privacy statement, unless such retention is required or permitted by law.

The data of private customers (new entrepreneurs) is anonymised when ten years have passed since the customer's last visit or contact.

Communications Manager
Johanna Hietikko-Koljonen